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Why Are Hindu Temples Closed During Eclipses?

· Astrology

What are Eclipses? 

Eclipses are among the most mysterious and magical natural phenomena. The word ‘eclipse’ comes from an old Greek noun Ekleipsis, meaning “downfall”, “abandonment”, or “darkening of a heavenly body”. It is derived from the verb Ekleípō meaning “to abandon”, “to darken”, or “to cease to exist”.  

Eclipses occur when one celestial body blocks the light from or to another celestial body. The Sun, Earth, and Moon are involved in eclipses. These three align several times in a year, causing solar and lunar eclipses. During an eclipse, a New Moon or Full Moon will be in perfect alignment with the Sun’s path through the sky. During the lunar eclipse, the Earth will align exactly between the Moon and the Sun. This will prevent the Sun’s light from reaching the Moon.  

Solar eclipses occur when the Moon is in perfect alignment with the Earth and the Sun. This obscures the light going from the Sun to Earth. During this time, the Sun, Moon, and Earth form a straight line. This is what makes a lunar or solar eclipse different from the usual New Moon or Full Moon.  

There is an interesting anecdote about eclipses and the great explorer, Christopher Columbus. When Columbus was on his expeditions, he had an almanac that contained important dates and astronomical data like solar eclipses. On his last voyage, Columbus found himself shipwrecked in Jamaica. The natives there refused to give him and his men any help, food, or water.  

Columbus knew that a total eclipse would happen on the evening of February 29, 1504. So he told the ignorant natives that he would block the Moon’s light. When the eclipse occurred, the frightened natives agreed to co-operate with him. 

An eclipse, called ‘Grahan’ in India, has a religious and astrological significance for Hindus. Astrology claims that Rahu and Ketu, the 2 lunar nodes or the two points at which the paths of the Sun and the Moon intersect as they travel in the sky, cause eclipses. They are also called shadow planets. Since eclipses occur when the Sun and the Moon are at either of these points, it led to the myth that they swallow the Sun. According to Hindu mythology, Rahu and Ketu are enemies of the Sun and the Moon.  

Why are Hindu Temples Closed during Eclipses?

In India, Hindu temples are closed during eclipses. People come to temples not just to worship but to experience serenity and contemplate the divine. Spiritual healing takes place in a temple, and its geometry is like a Yantra that creates a subtle energy flow. This energy helps devotees to experience the divinity within themselves when they are inside the temple.  

The architectural designs of Hindu temples follow certain prescribed rules. The temple construction is based on these rules. The temples should provide a peaceful environment to devotees so that they can feel great serenity and also the presence of God all around them.

The human body is made of subtle energy or Prana, which is the essence of life and the soul.  

This subtle energy is also experienced by devotees when they are in a temple, where the idols radiate such energy. The belief is that the idols have within them the elements of God in the form of subtle energy. Before priests ritually install an idol in a temple, they chant Mantras inviting the deity to enter the idol and live in it in the form of this subtle energy. This ritual is called Pranaprathishta, which means ‘consecrated life’ or ‘bringing to life’. In this manner, the idol comes to life and radiates divinity. It is no longer a mere stone.  

Different temples may generate different kinds of subtle energies. These also interact with cosmic energies (energies emanating from the solar system, planets, etc.). Idols that have been ritually installed, too, emit positive energy.  

When an eclipse occurs, it disturbs the aura around the idol. Hindu texts say that during an eclipse, heavenly bodies like the Sun and the Moon emit negative energies that are abnormal. So the temple doors are closed to prevent access to these negative energies that disturb the effects that divine energy has on the devotees. At this time, the idols are also covered with Tulsi leaves to shield them from the negative energy. Tulsi leaves supposedly can absorb harmful radiation.  

However, the Kalahasteeswara temple in Sri Kalahasthi is not closed during eclipses. This is because this is the only temple in India where Pooja and prayers are offered to Rahu and Ketu. So eclipses do not affect this temple. 

The ancient sages of India knew about the negative effects of eclipses on temples and human beings. Hence, they established the tradition of closing the temple doors during eclipses. By doing so, they protected the aura of the idols, temples, and devotees from the negative energies of the eclipses. 

Lunar Eclipse 2022

In the year 2022, there will be 2 lunar eclipses. The first, which won’t be visible in India, will occur on May 16. The second lunar eclipse 2022 will happen on November 8. The eclipse will be total in Bihar, West Bengal, Odisha, the eastern part of Uttar Pradesh, the northeastern part of India, and Jharkhand. Only a partial lunar eclipse will occur in the rest of India. 

Consult an astrologer to find the impact of eclipses on your life.