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Do Aries and Capricorn Get Along?

· Compatibility

Aries and Capricorn are cardinal signs. They are action-oriented in their approach to life. Aries is ruled by the Fire element, and Capricorn by the Earth element. Capricorn is a good planner. They encourage Aries in their ambitions, as they too are quite ambitious. They can help Aries to finish what they start, as Aries can lose interest half-way. Climbing ladders in their careers is a major preoccupation for both, but they use different methods. There is intellectual compatibility in good measure between them. 

An Unlikely Romance

At their first meeting, Aries will find it appealing that Capricorn can command attention without saying much. Aries may find their mature energy rather sexy. The Goat’s competitive nature attracts the Ram. Aries’ enthusiasm and passion draw Capricorn. The Goat is not the type to play games, so the directness and honesty of Aries appeal to them, too.  

Having said that, a romance between these two is not very common, as their temperaments are different. Capricorn might be impressed by the Ram’s energy and ambition, but the impulsiveness and aggressiveness of Aries might not win them any brownie points with the Goat. The Goat may even think that the Ram is all ‘sound and fury, but signifying nothing’. As for Aries, they might grow bored with the reserved and phlegmatic Goat. 

Being cardinal signs, they may get along initially. When it comes to dating and romance, Aries may make the first move. But Capricorn is a slow mover and will take their own sweet time to respond. They will assess Aries at every level, and if they are satisfied with their findings, Capricorn will let them into their life. Only if they feel that a long-term relationship is possible will they play along. Unlike Aries, they are not interested in brief flings, however exciting and passionate they may be.   

Problem Areas

As the romance proceeds, if Aries' interest does not flag and there is passion between them, it might progress into a serious relationship. Both have strong egos. Capricorn’s sardonic sense of humor and Aries’ fiery temper are problems which could undermine their relationship in the long run. They are basically interested in different things. Work comes first for Capricorn, but for sporty Aries, having fun is also important. Capricorn is focused on the future, Aries lives more in the present. This may cause some conflicts as Capricorn will frown on Aries’ insistence on taking risks with money and on living life to the hilt. The Goat would rather save money for a big house and all the luxuries that go with it, as well as for their retirement plans. Aries might want to launch a start-up, buy a fancy car, or go on exotic vacations.   

Physical Intimacy

This is not an easy combination for sexual compatibility. Aries is ruled by Mars, and Saturn rules Capricorn. These two planets are regarded as karmic enemies. When Mars comes into contact with Saturn, there may be many obstacles to a healthy sex life. Saturn can deplete Mars’ energy, leading to a lack of sexual desire, feelings of incompetence, etc.

Their sexual speeds also vary. Aries is full of passion and seeks intimacy after a few dates. But conservative Capricorn will demur. Aries also likes to experiment in the bedroom. Capricorn prefers routine. Aries’ quick encounters may not satisfy the sensual Capricorn. They need to find a pace that suits them both. If they can open up to each other about what they need, it might improve things. 

Emotional Compatibility

Aries will never hold back their emotions. Whatever they are feeling, they will be upfront about it. Capricorn’s ruler is Saturn, and it is the planet of restrictions and limitations. So they do not reveal their feelings easily. In fact, Capricorn finds emotions rather messy. In fact, they appear rather cold to most people.  


Both Aries and Capricorn want to be the boss in the relationship. This can cause some friction. Over time, Aries can also become rather bored with Capricorn’s approach to life and their priorities. Capricorn will balk at Aries’ spendthrift ways and recklessness. If they don’t sit and talk about such issues and hopefully reach a compromise, it can lead to splitsville eventually. Both are very stubborn in nature. As their values and beliefs tend to diverge, their relationship will come under pressure.  

Overall, Aries and Capricorn compatibility can be rated 4/10.