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Your Bad Habit According To the Zodiac


Everybody has some bad habit or the other, as we are not perfect beings. Astrology says that your bad habits may have something to do with your zodiac sign. Your zodiac sign is a good indicator of your personality, likes and dislikes, etc. for instance, Aries people are impulsive and energetic, Geminis are talkative, Capricorn people are workaholics, and Librans are very artistic. Does it ring true?  

So, here are the bad habits of each of the 12 zodiac signs in astrology.  


Aries natives are blunt and outspoken. They can come across as rude and overbearing. They have a bad habit of rubbing people up the wrong way with their candor and brute honesty, as well as self-centeredness.  


Taurus people tend to be slow. They take their own sweet time to make decisions as they are prudent by nature. But at times, they can be very lazy too. Taurus tends to put off things due to this lazy streak. This usually happens in personal relationships. Their tendency to procrastinate is their bad habit. And Taurus is very stubborn. They won’t change their habits easily. They will refuse to try something new, even if it is good for everyone. They need to be more flexible. 


Geminis love to talk, and often it turns into gossip. Their love of gossip is their worst habit, and it often lands them in sticky situations. They also get bored quickly with people and situations. So they are likely to walk away from them without caring about the consequences. This is another bad habit of the Twins. Stop chasing new and exciting things all the time. Learn to be happy with what you have. 


Cancer likes to hold on to things, even if they don’t need them anymore. They are born hoarders. They can also hold on to people, which makes them clingy and possessive. They need to declutter both physically and emotionally. Another bad habit is their tendency to overindulge in sweets. Also, when they feel unappreciated or ignored, they become passive-aggressive. This doesn’t end well, obviously. They need to be more honest about what upsets them. 


Leos love to hog the limelight. They want all the attention for themselves. This can leave others feeling sidelined. They have a habit of showing off and grandstanding, and they don’t care if they are stealing someone else’s thunder. Even when you have a lot going for you, you compare yourself to others who have what you lack, which is not healthy.  


Virgos seek perfection in themselves and others. When others fail to match their expectations, Virgo can become very sarcastic and critical. They have a bad habit of nitpicking and finding faults in others which can be very annoying to those at the receiving end. 


Libra loves to please people. As they don’t like to give offense, they find it hard to say No. But, later, they may not follow up on their promises, and they leave people high and dry. Giving people false hopes is their bad habit. They also shop like crazy. 


Scorpio natives can be very obsessive in their relationships. They become too possessive and jealous, which can be hard to deal with. They are too controlling, and they need to curb this bad habit if they want to have good relationships. They also nurse grudges for a lifetime. They need to be more forgiving. 


The Archer has a bad habit of being too honest. Others see it as a lack of diplomacy. They really need to be more tactful and sensitive when they speak. They can seem unreliable as they renege on promises because of a new opportunity or the fear of commitment. They let people down more often than they should. 


Capricorn people have a bad habit of not being able to detach from work. They are workaholics, and this can be pretty hard for their lovers and spouses, who are forced to play second fiddle to the Goat’s career and ambitions. 


Aquarians crave independence more than intimacy. They can be too detached at times and may unconsciously push their partners away. They do not trust emotions and feelings. They need to express their emotions and feelings more openly and make room for real intimacy in their lives. Their communication leaves much to be desired. They leave people in limbo whenever they need to be alone.  


Pisces prefer fantasy and dreams to reality. To this end, they may use drugs, alcohol, etc. Overcoming this habit of evading reality can be their biggest challenge. They need to realize that reality is something that one needs to deal with, and there is no escape from it.