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Mars Mahadasha Results & Astrological Remedies With Their Antardasha

· Astrology

 Planet Mars is red in color and masculine in nature. It is a warrior planet that is associated with courage, vitality, and confidence. Depending on the placement of Mars in our horoscope, it has some effects on our life. Mars controls our sex drive significantly. Mars also plays a key role in our love lives and influences the person we will marry and our occupation. 

Mars or Mangal Mahadasha is a major period of Mars in a person’s life. It lasts for seven years. The effects may be good or bad depending on Mars’ strength in the horoscope. Every person undergoes Mars Mahadasha once in their lifetime. Its other names are Kuja Dasha, Vimshottari Mangal Mahadasha, Bhouma Dasha, etc. 

If one has a strong Mars, they will be independent, bold, and stubborn. If Mars is weak, the native will lack confidence and has a dependent personality. They may find it hard to express themselves confidently. 

Hence, having a powerful Mars is an advantage. If it is not powerful, you should perform some Mangal Dasha remedies to make it powerful. 

Aries zodiac and Mars

Aries, which is ruled by Mars, is a feisty zodiac. Aries people are known for their passion, ambition, aggression, and animal instinct. They have a lot of energy and good leadership abilities. Mars gives Aries the spirit of a fighter. 

When Mars is strong

When Mars is strong, the native will have good physical strength. They will also be courageous, wilful, and confident.  

Personality of Mars

Mars is regarded as a male and the son of Mother Earth. It is dry and fiery. It is also the God of war. Being a warrior by nature, Mars has great strength, self-confidence, leadership skills, energy, vitality, courage, etc. But it can also be violent, impulsive, and insensitive. It is associated with fire, earth, saffron, burns, cuts, and bruises. 

Effects of Mars in different astrological houses

Mars in the 1st house may bring many marital problems in a woman’s life.

If Mars is positioned in a woman’s 4th house, it can cause sorrow to her husband and may rob him of peace and happiness. 

Mars in the girl’s 8th house can cause the husband’s death. If it is in the 7th house, her sexual urges may be high, and her husband will not be able to fulfill them. A similar effect is likely if Mars occupies the 12th house. 

Which house is not good for Mars?

Mars creates a lot of problems if it occupies the 1st, 4th, 8th, 7th, or 12th houses. Sometimes, even the 2nd and 5th houses are not good placements for Mars.

What is the effect of Mars in astrology?

Mars can be both beneficial as well as malefic. It depends on its strength in the house it occupies.  

What is the duration of Mars Dasha?

Mars Dasha is for a period of 7 years. If it is not favorable, one should seek remedies for it. 

Remedies for Mars

Natives who have Mangal Dosha in their horoscope are known as Mangliks. They often face financial and marriage problems.  

Mars definitely has some harmful effects on a person’s life. But there are many effective remedies for Mars and Mangal Mahadasha. Here are some Mars/Mangal Dosha remedies. 

Marriage to a Manglik:

If you are a Manglik, you can marry another Manglik. This will cancel both Mangal Doshas, and you can have a happy married life. 

Observing fast:

Observe fasting on Tuesdays to get rid of Mangal Dosha. Eat split pigeon dal or toor dal on the fasting days. 

Chant Mantras:

Chant the Navagraha Mantra. This can reduce the adverse effects of Mars, especially if it is chanted on Tuesdays. Also, chant Gayatri Mantra 108 times daily for a better life. 

Wear coral-Wear gemstones like red coral set in gold on your right hand. Consult an astrologer before wearing the ring. 

Make offerings to God: Make offerings like knives, red silk, corals, or red stones to please Mangal and reduce its negative effects. You can also offer foods made using wheat bread, masoor dal, etc. 

Pooja: Perform Poojas on Tuesdays in Navagraha temples. 

Kumbh Vivah:

It is believed that if a Manglik person gets married to a banyan tree, it can get rid of Mangal Dosha. Marrying Lord Vishnu's idol made of silver or gold is also a good remedy. 

Now let’s take a look at the effects of Mars’ association with other planets. 

Mangal Mahadasha Rahu Antardasha -

Loss of wealth, harm to friends and family, physical pain, diseases, consequences of misdeeds. 

Shani Mahadasha Mangal Antardasha-

Health problems due to serious illness, losses in business, loss of high position at work, problems for brothers, jealousy of friends, pain caused by children, distress, and fear. 

Mars Mahadasha Mars Antardasha -

This has a positive effect as it is favorable for marriage. There may be growth in career and finances. Conflicts with siblings are possible. 

Mangal Mahadasha Shani Antardasha-

Physical hardships, hurdles in career and wealth, anxiety, and pain. Foreign travel is possible. 

Deteriorating family relationships, illicit affairs, marital problems, cheating, fraud, trouble with the government, unethical actions, and committing serious crimes like murder.  

Mangal Dasha can cause a lot of problems in life as it is malefic. These include loss of wealth, loss of respect in society, failure in academics, etc.