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Fundamental Principles of KP Astrology

· Astrology

What is KP Astrology?

KP or Krishnamurthi Paddhati Astrology is a modernized version of traditional or Vedic astrology. The founder of this system is Prof. K. S. Krishnamurthi. KP integrates elements from both Indian and Western astrology. In fact, one can say that it combines the best of both. KP astrology is supposedly very accurate in its predictions, especially in the timing of events, and is also very simple to apply. This made it very popular. It is said that Prof. Krishnamurthi used his own invention to correctly predict the date and time of his own death!  

Key Features of KP Astrology

There are 12 zodiac signs in the KP system or Rashis. Each Rashi is divided into 27 stars or Nakshatras, which equally share that 30-degree angle of the Planet, and for this reason, each star subtends 13 degrees 20 minutes of angle to the center of the circle. 

An important element of KP Astrology is the sub-lords.  

The chart in KP astrology is based on the Bhava Chalit chart. 

Most of the guidelines for preparing the chart are similar to those in Vedic astrology.  

The natural auspiciousness of various planets in Vedic astrology is not significant in KP astrology as it deals with the growth element and a descendant factor. This can accommodate the auspiciousness and inauspiciousness of different planets. 

KP astrology uses a different system for analyzing various planets and their sub-lords.  

The house division system in Vedic astrology is the Sripathi house system, but KP astrology uses the Placidus system. 

  1. In KP, the Dashas of each Planet and its significator home are to be determined. In Vedic astrology, only the Dasha of the Moon is relevant. 
  2. KP astrology also uses Western astrology principles. 
  3. KP system considers the Constellations/Stars/Nakshatras as more important for making the predictions more precise. 
  4. It further divides each Constellation/Star/Nakshatra into 9 subdivisions called ‘sub lords’ or ‘subs’. These are not equivalent divisions but are according to the Vimshottari Dasha Divisions System. 
  5. KP Astrology uses KP Ayanamsha instead of Lahiri Ayanamsha, which Vedic Astrology uses. The distinction between the 2 systems involves 6 minutes (Kala). 
  6. KP system uses Cusps or house/ bhava beginnings like the Western System, instead of Vedic System which uses House Centers or. Bhav Madhyas. 
  7. KP system uses the Placidus House system. 
  8. The Planet in its Dasha gives results as per its Star-lord rather than the Planet itself. 
  9. The Planet's sub-lord determines the benefic or malefic nature of the outcomes. 

Planet represents the source, Planet’s Star-lord represents the results, and the Planet’s sub indicates the final direction of the result. 

Ruling Planets 

This is a unique concept developed by KSK for divine guidance during forecasts. 

In Vedic Astrology, the Zodiac belt has 12 equal divisions/parts, each of 30 degrees. But, in KP Astrology, it has 12 unequal parts. The Nakshatras are also significant in KP Astrology. There are 27 Nakshatras. Each planet governs three Nakshatras. Each Zodiac sign consists of 2 and 1/4th Nakshatras. This means that 2 signs share 1 Nakshatra. Proper analysis of the Nakshatra in which a planet is placed is an important element in making accurate predictions in KP astrology. 

A planet can be well-placed and aspecting good houses in a horoscope. But if it is placed in a Nakshatra that is owned by a planet that is ill placed and aspected, then the end result will be the opposite, as per KP Astrology. 

Key Principles

Any planet which is residing in a house may prevent the results of the next and previous houses to it. It depends on the different degrees of different planets. 

● There are many factors which affect the significators of different houses. These factors can include the house itself, the planets in the star of that house, the owner of the house, and the planets in the star of the owner of that house. 

● The indication lord gives results that depend on the house in which it resides. 

Some houses get triggered due to some other houses during the Mahadasha period. These houses are called significator houses. When a planet’s Mahadasha begins, it can affect all of its significator houses. 

● The predictions related to the event can be done by using the sub-lords of a particular house and according to the birth chart, which is based on its significator houses. 

These principles are used by KP astrologers to predict an event with the utmost accuracy.