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Five Most Loyal Zodiac Signs in Marriage

All of us expect our loved ones to be loyal to us. Those who are loyal to us can be trusted to keep our secrets, stand by us when we are in trouble, and defend us from our enemies. Loyalty is an important ingredient in all relationships. Unfortunately, it is very hard to come across.

Astrology says that some zodiac signs tend to be very loyal. Maybe you are one of them. And if you are not, you can try to befriend people born under these signs. Not only will you learn some lessons on loyalty from them, but you may also want to become like them.

Let us find out which zodiac signs are the most loyal in astrology.


Taurus, the second sign of the zodiac, is ruled by Venus. Its element is Earth. These natives are very loyal and dedicated to the people in their lives. In a love relationship, they seek a lifelong commitment. No one-night stands for them. Taurus looks for stability and security in their romantic relationships. No wonder they are incredibly loyal to their partners. If they run into problems in their marriage, they have the patience and willingness to overcome them. Taurus is very caring by nature. Loyalty to their near and dear is their top priority. These steadfast people will never be tempted to cheat on their partner, as the emotional bond they share with their partner is deep, and they value it immensely. Taurus is known for its strong moral values. They hold firm views of right and wrong, and they act according to these values. This makes them loyal and trustworthy. Taurus does not go after instant happiness. They want to create a solid foundation for the future. It’s why they seldom cheat. They are aware that maintaining loyalty is essential to building an enduring relationship.



Cancer is another loyal zodiac sign. This sign is ruled by the Moon and the Water element. Cancer natives are very emotional. Relationships matter the most to them. They will protect their loved ones fiercely, like a tigress protecting her cubs. There is almost nothing they will not do to ensure their partner’s happiness and well-being. Their strong sense of intuition helps them to gauge their partner’s feelings and needs and act accordingly. Cancer takes their marital commitments very seriously. They are faithful to their partners both in the physical and emotional sense.


Virgo sign is ruled by Mercury and the Earth element. They are disciplined, practical, and service-oriented. Perfectionism is their key trait. They will want to be perfect in all that they do. Hence, it is not surprising that they make loyal and devoted partners who will go out of their way to make their partner happy. Reliable and consistent, Virgo will be like a pillar of strength for their partner.

For Virgo, keeping promises and commitments is something highly important in their lives. They are individuals who highly value integrity and moral values in relationships, which makes them inclined to remain loyal.

Virgos tend to honor their promises. They realize that trust is a key element in a relationship and will not do anything to betray their partner’s trust in them.

Virgo is also very responsible and cautious in their actions. They will not jeopardize their marriage by committing actions that reek of disloyalty. Damaging the relationship and hurting their spouse’s feelings are actions quite uncharacteristic of Virgos. Being analytical, Virgo will also take into account the consequences of their actions, including how disloyalty will impact their relationship.



Earth sign Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, which represents discipline and hard work. At work and home, they are very dependable and responsible. Though they tend to be workaholics, they will ensure that their partner’s needs are always met. They will support their partner in everything and try hard to give them a good life. These natives have a strong sense of duty. Hence, they are very reliable and trustworthy.


Leos value and love their partners and will do their part to maintain a strong marital bond. Being a Fire sign, Leo has a very passionate approach when it comes to love and relationships. though they can be vain and attention-seeking, they are devoted to their partner and family.

Leos are known for their leadership abilities, which also make them loyal. They play the leader’s role in their relationships. Hence, they tend to be protective and supportive toward their partners. Betraying the trust their partners repose in them is unthinkable for most Leos, as it would put a question mark on their reputation as responsible leaders.

Leo is large-hearted. They lavish love and attention on their loved ones. The happiness of their partners gives them great satisfaction and pride. This is why loyalty is so important to them.